A resonance group meeting of with the potential contributors were held on June 25th 2019 during conference of the Centre of Advanced Technologies AERONET Aviation Valley, Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland.  

Professors, Researchers, Engineers, PostDoc researchers, business owners and Admin members were in the meeting. All the stakeholders expressed their full interest to offer full support and provide feedback to the I-TRACE project, showing a big interest in it.

Also some proposals of possible future cooperation  and  preparing possible new grant in this area appeared and will be continued.


The 2nd meeting of the I-TRACE Project Manager Meeting (code M2) took place on June 3rd 2019 c/o University of Stavanger 4036 Stavanger, Postboks 8600 Forus, Stavanger, Norway

All the project managers of the partnership used the meeting in a proficient work to carry out the project activities:

  • Overview of the general contents and project implementation
  • Discussion about financial management Addendum
  • Project management updated strategy
  • Communication and dissemination plan
  • Planning Rzeszow Meeting
  • IO1 – Comparative research on aerospace skills needs – D1:  Survey and interviews realized
  • IO2 –Best Practices in immersive training – D4 Report on best practices created in draft version
  • Next steps and closing remarks


The Kick off meeting of the Project managed by  Associazione FO.RI.S. was held at San Benedetto del Tronto, via Manara, 134, 63074 (AP), Italy on 12/11/2018.

In attendance all the project Manager of the I Tace Partnership:

  • Associazione di promozione sociale FO.RI.S (ITA)
  • Politechnika Rzeszowska im Ignacego Lukasiewicza Prz (POL)
  • Universitetet i Stavanger (NOR)
  • Istituto Tecnico Settore Tecnologico “E.FERMI” (ITA)
  • Consell General de les Cambres Oficials de Comerc Industria i Navegacio de Catalunya (ESP)
  • Institut Illa dels Banyols (ESP)
  • Enrico Fermi for Cadland SRL (ITA), in wich seat the meeting is helded
  • Phormamentis – as external evaluatori

The topics of the meeting:

  • Welcome and presentation of the applicant’s organization
  • Presentation of the partners’ organizations, needs and expectations in I-trace
  • Recapitulation of the general contents of the project
  • Examination of Project Gantt
  • Financial management guidelines and approval of the partnership agreement (Diego Succi – Foris Administration)
  • Presentation of the activities for the Quality Control of the Project (Alessandro Mazzini, Phormamentis)
  • Project management strategy (Maurizio Chiappa, FoRIS Project Manager)
  • Communication tools: short Presentation of the website draft and Logo award
  • Next steps and closing remarks